Persch Fitness & Nutrition
Project Vision
The client for this project was a new personal trainer, just starting their career. They reached out to me for a logo design that set them apart from other trainers and left a unique impression on potential clientele.
1 - Understand the client on a deeper level than just a trainer. What do they offer that sets them apart, and how can we take advantage of those characteristics to create a brand that reflects them in a more holistic sense.
2 - Understand the client’s visual preferences.
3 - Design a logo that leans into their personality and worldview that sets them apart from their competition.
1. Research
Research on a project like this starts with a conversation. I sat down with the client to learn more about him and more importantly for the design, what he really wanted to do with his business. One of his biggest concerns was that the other logos in his market trended toward a gritty, metal music inspired feeling.
The client wanted to focus on more of a holistic approach to fitness, physically and emotionally.
It was during this time that we also spoke about his aesthetic influences and inspirations.
2. Options
Based on our conversation, I created a few options for the client to provide some feedback on.
3. Revisions
Normally, we’d go through more significant revisions, but the client really fell in love with one of the initial options. We made a few changes just to see if we liked a few things, but we eventually came back to the original, with only a slight tweak, capitalizing the words below.
4. Additional Assets
From there, I created an illustration for merchandise, as well as a business card for him to start promoting service.